Saturday, April 20, 2013

My list of current Projects :)

I'm the type of person who has many different projects going on at once instead of just working on one at a time (I don't know if that is normal or not...) So here's a list of what I've got going on now:

-Quadsuit!!! XD
This started out about a year ago after my birthday in October when I realized I had no idea what I wanted to be for Halloween. I've hit the age where I can't go out trick-or-treating without getting odd looks from adults, so I hand out candy in costume and talk to the little kids every now and again. Anyway, With only 3 weeks to come up with something I began my search on Google. After glancing at many different "young women" costumes that seem to be constructed of only glorified undergarments, I looked at a costume that was made to look like the wearer was and animal. This lead me to the discovery of Quadsuits.
Now, for those of you who have not the slightest idea of what a quadsuit is, I'll explain. A Quadsuit is a full body costume, that usually has stilts for front legs, and is made to look like a animal/fanciful creature. This is my basic/General/over-view design of my Quadsuit.

Yep, I have grown a passion for Manga, so much so that I decided to make my own. And if you don't know what Manga is I shall enlighten your minds with total awesomeness. First off the word Manga is Japanese for "comic" so as you might have guessed this style of comic (Though I prefer the term graphic novel) came from Japan. They usually feature characters with HUGE eyes and some are meant to be read from right to left, though the American published ones are meant to be read the normal way form left to right.
I was introduced to Manga about 6 years ago when my family and I were stationed to a new Military Base in Okinawa, Japan. While there I noticed comic books every where in book stores, so I asked my friends about them and read my first one. Unfortunately I can't remember what it was because once I read one I was hooked and read as many as I could. From there my love for Manga grew till I had the idea of making my own when I was in 8th grade.
Two years later I'm still designing the outline and design of my Manga (I only work on it every now and again, not constantly) I've got about 7 pages of story outline based in the 1900's where a myth-recreation based science experiment (If that makes any sense) gos wrong. I'll probably go into further detail at a later date because this post is starting to get a little on the lengthy side and it is 1:47 in the morning ( 0.0 I wrote ALL night?!), so...I guess I'll share my smaller projects another time.

So, these are my biggest projects that I've got on my table at the moment, See Ya Later!!